Health risk assessment (HRA) is a systematic scientific assessment tool for assessing potential adverse health risks resulting from human exposures to hazardous agents or situations in the environment This training course will introduce participants to the aims and methodology of both qualitative and quantitative HRA, its applications in research, environmental standard and guideline setting, and environmental impact assessment.
Participants will get hands-on experience of using a USEPA-based HRA methodology to compute the carcinogenic and-non carcinogenic health risks from human exposures to toxic chemicals throu9h various exposure routes.
Participants will be trained by experienced environmental health consultants who have conducted numerous research and consultancy assignments in HRA and HIA, both locally and internationally. Overall, the trainin9 course enhances the transparency and understanding of nsk assessment and its use in research and management tool. Certificate will be provided to the workshop participants.
26 September 2019
9.00 am – 3.30 pm
Hilton Istanbul Maslak, Turkey
Contact us:
Associate Professor Dr. Juliana Jalaludin
Mrs. Nurzawani Md. Sofwan