Kindly be informed that the Clean Air Forum Society of Malaysia (MyCAS) (MyCAS) will organize the 1ST MALAYSIAN CLEAN AIR INTERNATIONAL FORUM (MACIF 1.0) with the theme “Sustainable Industries: Mitigation Strategies Towards Blue Skies”. The forum aims to provide a platform for networking, discussion, and knowledge sharing on issues related to air quality.
The Clean Air Forum Society of Malaysia (MyCAS) is a national non-governmental organization registered under the Department of Registration of Societies Malaysia (JPPM). The major concern of MyCAS is addressing air quality issues at both, the global and national levels. Clean Air Asia (CAA), an agency under the International Union of Air Pollution Prevention Associations (IUAPPA) has become a strategic partner of MyCAS since 2018. MyCAS successfully hosted Better Air Quality (BAQ) Conference in the year 2018 with over 700 participants.
The details of the program are as below:
*Date : 8th of May 2023
*Time : 8.00 am – 4.30 pm
*Venue : Bangi Avenue Convention Centre (BACC) & Zoom Meeting (International participants)
CPD points : CPD MBOT Malaysia Board Of Technologists 4 points
Registration link : https://forms.gle/PcnqT7MMgdTNWCg39
We would like to invite, should any respective targeted participants keen to participate. Participants can register by scanning the QR code presented on the poster.
E-certificate will be provided after the event. For more information or any further queries about the event, feel free to contact us at macifmycas@gmail.com.
We are excited to see you soon. Thank you.
Secretariat MACIF 1.0
The Clean Air Forum Society of Malaysia (MyCAS)